Glasgow’s Strategic Parking Plan

A photo of a parking warden sticking a notice on the windscreen of a white car
Photo by Caspar Rae on Unsplash

We have received the below email from Glasgow City Council. We apologise for the length of this post, but couldn’t find a way to summarise it in a nicer fashion, however, the specific details of the Parking Plan itself are attached at the end of this post as a downloadable pdf file.

Glasgow City Council through the Glasgow Transport Strategy, City Centre Transport Plan, Active Travel Strategy & Liveable Neighbourhoods workstreams are creating a new strategic approach to transport in the city to prioritise sustainable travel and help achieve the Council’s climate goals whilst ensuring the needs of residents and businesses are met.  A Strategic Parking Plan is now being developed to complement the strategy work above. This will provide a strategic approach to the management and control of parking in the city moving forward to helps achieve the outcomes and objectives of the Glasgow Transport Strategy. Please find attached a Consultation Pack for the emerging Strategic Parking Plan.

This consultation sets out the principles of the emerging Strategic Parking Plan and draws on and adds to previous public engagement and consultation.  The Public Conversation on Glasgow’s Transport Future identified that people wanted more management of parking, and the Glasgow Transport Strategy Policy Framework public consultation showed people broadly agreed with the development of a new set of parking policies and the principle of control/management, and role of demand management to support the work the Council is doing on sustainable transport.

This targeted consultation focusses on the principles of this Plan, which will produce a more strategic approach to parking moving forward.  The consultation seeks to agree the approach, the tools that the council should deploy and the priority that should be given to different users in assessing parking need within the city. 

This strategic approach to parking will also be included in the Glasgow Transport Strategy Spatial Delivery Framework which will be subject to full public consultation later in 2023. 

This consultation is therefore aimed at stakeholder organisations, business and community representatives.

At this stage, we invite Area & Sector Partnership representatives to read the attached briefing pack, attend a consultation event if willing, and provide feedback through our survey. The survey is intended to be read alongside the briefing pack and can be accessed from the following link.

A series of online events have been arranged where our Consultants who are helping develop the Strategic Parking Plan will be on-hand to present to attendees and answer any questions. Virtual events are scheduled to last 1.5 hours. Area & Sector Partnerships are invited to sign up to an event from the following selection:

In addition to the online events, an in person session will be held within Glasgow City Centre between 1000 and 1600 on Tuesday 7th March.

The briefing pack (provided below) provides full details of the Strategic Parking Plan.

Project specific enquiries can be made to the following email address where our consultant team will be in a position to answer questions directly.

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