Glasgow Live has reported how the Drug Consumption Room at Hunter Street has been moving “at pace”. Interestingly, the article says that engagement has taken place with community groups closest to the facility, councillors, community councils and social landlords, but we feel that we have only been informed, rather than consulted or engaged with. You can read the full article at
The area around Claythorn Street, Millroad street and retirement housing in and around Chalmers Gate is becoming more like a ghetto every day. I walk my dog and I am disgusted by the increase I used needles and other drug related paraphernalia silver paper screwed up cans etc dumped amongst the garden bushes and pavements. I noticed 3 syringes one day last week and this is common. The drug users are combing the surrounding streets usually in pairs meeting up at rear of Morrisons store heading for or returning from the Facility on Hunter St. It’s a blight and has only worsened since this facility was put in place.
I am against any proposal for the continuance of this facility. I wonder has anyone from the facility actually walked around the area to witness the needles lying around. It’s shameful that decent Calton people have to live with this within our area.