An application has been received to install two flues at St Andrew’s Church. J Kumar, representing the RSSB, explains in the application that these alterations are required because the existing boilers are in excess of 20 years old, of which two are not working and the others have defects. Parts to rectify these defects are no longer available, so new, more efficient boilers will be installed. These boilers require two flue terminals, which are stainless steel and approximately 150mm in diameter and 1 metre in height above the roofline. The old flue system through the existing ventilation grilles cannot be used with any currently available boiler system, and the existing ventilation system is prone to problems which caused the current failure.
However, residents of St Andrew’s Square have already expressed their objections to the planned flues. The residents feel that the flues would be an “eyesore” and that priority should be given to repairing the clock and railings. Similarly, the residents feel that stainless steel isn’t an appropriate material to respect the historic building, and are concerned about what the flues will be emitting.
Calton Community Council will be submitting a response to represent the whole of the community when all comments, including those already received, have been submitted. Further details can be found by searching for application 22/02620/FUL at the Glasgow Planning Portal website, or if needed, by emailing planning& This email can also be used to share your comments with us, up to the 28th of November.