Council addresses vibrations caused by TRNSMT

TRNSMT lineup image

The Community Council is aware of concerns from several residents of objects on shelves vibrating at times during TRNSMT, and the risk of damage this may cause to their homes and possessions. We asked questions at both the TRNSMT public briefings this year and also wrote to the City Council and our Councillors. You can read the response we received below:

Thank you for your enquiry regarding vibration from the TRNSMT event.

I think you would be referring to my colleague, who has been on site at previous TRNSMT events. He carried out vibration monitoring in 2021 in response to complaints by local residents predominantly close to the location of the concert. My colleague advises that vibration can occur depending on the type of music being played by a group/band and the resultant airborne sound transferring to neighbouring properties in varying frequency ranges, which can result in a reverberation effect.

The vibration being experienced by residents can be put down to reverberation effect where the airborne sound creates various frequencies resulting in façade and internal structures vibrating, leading to reports of ‘my mirror is swaying on the wall’, ‘my books are moving on the bookshelf’ and ‘my windows are rattling’ by local residents. The higher the frequency the more rapidly objects or structures will vibrate. Attenuation of this can be attempted by taking the edge of certain low frequency ranges starting at 31 Hertz for instance without affecting the quality of the music being produced. The 63Hertz and 125 Hertz octave band range, often described as bass noise, are also controlled in an attempt to reduce vibration issues. It was noted in 2021 that a certain DJ track gave rise to vibration at a location close to the event. This was controlled at the mixing desk by the Acoustic Consultancy Vanguardia when it was realised that the low frequency range of the music played would give rise to airborne sound reverberating through structures.

Although the vibration caused by music is not of a range that would damage building structures, we would seek to minimise the nuisance effect .

It should be noted also that it is not common practice to utilise vibration monitoring for concert events, as this is normally utilised for quarry blasting, construction activity, tunnel works or movement of road /rail bridges and associated traffic.

Finally, during the course of the event the Public Entertainment License condition for the Music Noise Level of 75dBA was not exceeded over a 15 minute period one metre from the façade of any noise sensitive premises.

I trust this is of assistance.

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