Options to get help with the cost of living this winter

Multiple people are stood in a circle with their hands piled together.

Calton Community Council is run by volunteers. We have only a minimum of funding and no ability to assist individuals, but we have gathered some information on other help which is available, either locally in or near Calton, or nationally.

  • Advice & Guidance
    • Bridgeton Citizens Advice is probably the closest Citizens Advice Bureau to people who live in the Calton area – but you can check for your nearest Bureau on the Citizens Advice Scotland website (https://www.cas.org.uk/bureaux?postcode=).
      • They can help you by performing a benefits entitlement check to make sure that you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to.
      • They might be able to help by referring you to other services in the area.
      • You can contact the Bridgeton Bureau at https://www.bridgetoncab.org.uk/contact-us
    • Benefits calculator
    • Your Housing Association
      • If you are a housing association tenant, you should contact your housing association as they might be able to help you, or to refer you to other organisations that can help you.
      • There are several organisations operating in the Calton area, some of the biggest ones are:
    • Contact your energy supplier if you are struggling
      • If you are struggling with energy bills the best advice is to contact your supplier as soon as possible. They might be able to help you by arranging a payment plan. The supplier is required to help you, and the sooner you contact them the better.
  • Support with your bills
  • Crisis grants from Scottish Welfare Fund
    • Glasgow City Council distributes funding from the national Scottish Welfare Fund. These are open to people on low incomes who have experienced a disaster (such as fire or flood) or an emergency (such as a loss of income, or unexpected bills).
    • https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=17160
  • Food Banks
    • There is a food bank at Calton Parkhead Parish Church. You need to have a voucher before you visit this food bank. These vouchers can usually be obtained from the Social Work department, and other agencies – you should contact the food bank for more information on how to get a voucher: https://glasgowne.foodbank.org.uk/contact-us/
    • The Everlasting Foodbank in Dennistoun is only open on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, but offers food parcels and takeaway lunches. This is their website: https://www.everlastingfoodbank.org/home
    • The Lodging House Mission in Calton has an open door policy, but is aimed more at those who are homeless. They are open Monday to Friday. This is their website: https://lhm-glasgow.org.uk/what-we-do/
    • Kindness offers food, clothing, toiletries and small household goods. They have a centre on London Road, open 11-2pm six days a week (not Thursdays), and also offer a soup kitchen Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7-8pm. Their website will be found at https://kindnesshst.com but is not currently set up. However, they can be found on social media, under the handle @kindnesshst, or by emailing kindnessglasgow@yahoo.com
  • Local community facilities
    • Bridgeton Community Learning Campus, 68 Dale Street, G40 4TL. Phone: 0141 556 4275
    • Calton Heritage Centre, 423 London Road, G40 1AG. 0141 550 9573
    • Helenslea Halls, 48 Methven Street, G31 4RB. Phone: 0141 556 1195
    • Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre, 13 Whitevale Street, G31 1QW. Phone: 0141 554 5315
    • Barrowfield Community Centre, 67 Yate St, Glasgow G31 4AQ Phone: 0141 550 0036
    • Church House Bridgeton 22 Queen Mary St, Bridgeton, Glasgow G40 3BB 0141 554 8045
    • The Drill Hall Pantry 5 Back Causeway, Parkhead, Glasgow G31 5HE 0141 473 0460
  • Help for specific groups
    • For the elderly:
      • There is the winter fuel payment for over 65s, which is automatic, but is worth checking if it has gone through correctly (similar schemes exist for those with disabilities). For more information, and to check you are revising all the benefits you are entitled to, contact Citizens Advice.
      • For those with low income, and with a select list of major energy suppliers, they can receive the “Warm Home Discount Scheme”. The energy suppliers need to be directly contacted if you think you are eligible.
      • Schemes like Glasgow’s Golden Generation have a £8 daycare, but that includes breakfast and a 3 course lunch, and with a warm place to spend the day as well, it could end up cheaper than staying home (especially when you consider average daily energy use can be £6.85). You can contact them by phoning 0141 221 9924, or visiting their website: https://www.glasgowgg.org.uk/
    • For students:
      • Contact the university to see whether they have support options
        • Strathclyde has a Discretionary Fund to help those struggling to cover essential living costs, or the Emergency Aid loan to cover the gap between rent/bills going out and Student Finance coming In
        • UoG has a Financial Aid system in place
        • Caledonian has a Discretionary Fund similar to Strathclyde
        • Glasgow City College has a Hardship/Discretionary Fund, as above.
    • For young families

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

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