After receiving the pre-planning application (which can be found at https://calton-community-council.scot/pre-planning-consultation-base-station-and-20m-high-monopole-in-the-barras ), Calton Community Council have now received the formal planning application for the 20m telecommunications monopole, associated cabinets and ancillary works, at the site adjacent To 32 Stevenson Street on Bain Street. More specifically, this work is to include a 20.0m high Orion V2 Pole on a new T9 root foundation, with 6 Antennas, 1 GPS Module, 2 300mm Dishes, 2 Cabinets and associated ancillary works.
Though we have received some comments so far, we would appreciate getting a more rounded understanding of the community’s opinion. Further details can be found by searching for 23/00900/PNT, and all comments, views and objections should be sent by 19/05/2023 to planning&licensing@calton-community-council.scot