Window Replacement at Turnbull Street

Image taken from the Planning Application: “Typical Existing Timber Tilt and Turn Windows on the Front Elevation of 25 Turnbull Street, to be Replicated in Size, Configuration, Method of Opening, Material, Frame Dimension and Colour to maintain and enhance the charter of the property”

An application has been received for the installation of replacement windows at 1/2, 25 Turnbull Street. The applicant intends to replace two front living room windows with timber windows, to match the existing. The application goes on to replace three smaller bedroom windows with uPVC, as these windows are not visible to the public. All windows in the proposal will be green to match the existing.

Further details can be found by searching for application 24/00949/PPP, and all comments, views and objections should be submitted to by 31/05/2024. These should go directly to Glasgow City Council, but we would love to be copied in, using the address planning& Similarly, you can ask us any questions at the same email.

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