During our recent public meeting, Paul Stallan (the architect giving the presentation for the new College Gardens development) mentioned the new Tall Buildings guidance. Our chair dug this document out from Glasgow City Council’s website, where we found it is currently in its consultation period and feedback can be given until 30th September.
Despite the City Council saying they would “welcome the views of members of the public”, this is one of the few consultations we were not informed of, so we are sorry that we could not make you aware of it sooner. The most Calton-relevant text in the document includes “Developments [in the East] generally can break the contextual scale if supported by a detailed townscape and heritage analysis and by a Townscape Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA) which demonstrates that the conservation area is preserved or enhanced.”
The document can be found at https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/media/12982/Tall-Building-Consultation-Design-Guide/pdf/Tall_Buildings_-_Consultation_July_2024.pdf?m=1720434219297 and you can give your views at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/GCC_TallBuildings_Guide/