An application has been received for external alterations to a listed building – display of signages at 121 Saltmarket, also known as R-CADE.
Some may remember a previous planning application for 121 Saltmarket, which can be found here:
A planning statement explains the reason for another application:
An initial submission for a new sign at 121 Saltmarket was refused in June 2023.
The planning decision notice stated that the design did not comply with NPF4 policy 14, CDP1 and CDP9 in terms of its detailed design.
‘The proposed 80mm deep aluminium tray sign is not considered to be of a quality of design appropriate to the property and area’s character and appearance. Any signage should be flush with the frontage (e.g. a shallow timber panel where the existing frontage cannot be used) and not appear as a modern addition. The opaque acrylic built up lettering and printed black vinyl is not considered to be sympathetic to the historic building and street.
The proposal appears to be a standardised approach which would not be an improvement upon the existing. It would clearly appear as an addition rather than part of the overall design of the property. Thus, in terms of the above guidance, the proposal would adversely affect the visual amenity of the area. The proposed signage would be non-illuminated and positioned at original fascia level however the materials are not sympathetic to the building or wider area.’
Anderson Bell + Christie have since been appointed to submit an amended proposal which takes account of items listed in the initial submissions refusal.
The design now features lettering directly painted onto the plywood fascia.
It should be noted that the initial submissions aluminium tray has been omitted from the design. The revised use of materials came from the guidance that ‘Signage should be located at the original fascia level and should be either hand painted or comprise of individual lettering fixed to the timber fascia.’. The new proposal therefor now follows the guidance set out in NPF4, CDP1 and CDP9.
Listed Building Consent has been submitted alongside the planning application to take into consideration that the building is B Listed and within the conservation area.
LBA Planning Statement Document
The proposed elevations describe the new application as “Painted Marine Exterior Quality Ply Sign Directly Applied to Shop Front Fascia”.
Further details can be found by searching for 23/02806/ADV or 23/02807/LBA, and all comments, views, support or objections should be sent by 22/12/2023 to planning&