An application has been received for the display of one internally illuminated digital advertising hoarding at the vacant Site To The East Of 329 Gallowgate.
This is the location of an existing double-sided advertising board, which the applicant proposes to upgrade to meet modern technological standards. The new board would be a single-sided screen, which “will enable the images to change automatically every 10 seconds”. The display unit would also “feature a light sensor to adjust the level to ambient light conditions”. As well as this, the applicant proposes to plant 3 silver birch trees at the North of the site.
Further details can be found by searching for application 24/01868/ADV, and all comments, views and objections should be submitted to by 30/08/2024. These should go directly to Glasgow City Council, but we would love to be copied in, using the address planning& Similarly, you can ask us any questions on this application at the same email.