An application has been received for the erection of 2No. retail units (Class 1a) and 4No. flatted dwellings at the site Adjacent To 327 Gallowgate. This site is in between Discount Motoring/Electric Motorcycles and Super Shine car wash, just a little further East than Morrisons.
This site is currently vacant, and the applicant proposes that the entire Gallowgate side of the site is taken up with retail units, and vehicular access is proposed to be taken off of Hunter St. 4 parking spaces are proposed, which allows for 0.5 cars per double bedroom, or 1 car per flat.
2 of the proposed flats include a balcony, on the East elevation, which could in the future limit development on the neighbouring site.

Further details can be found by searching for application 24/01765/FUL, and all comments, views and objections should be submitted to by 05/09/2024. These should go directly to Glasgow City Council, but we would love to be copied in, using the address planning&licensing@calton-community-council.scot. Similarly, you can ask us any questions on this application at the same email.