Planning Application – Use of Police HQ as 31 flats

Artistic interpretation of the restored building

An application has been received for the use of the former Central Police Headquarters building as 31no. flatted dwellings and associated works at 4-16 Turnbull Street. Some may remember that this is a revised application from one we previously supported, you can see our post on the original application at

The changes from the previous application are due to concerns of overlooking and quality of amenity space. To combat this, Detail are proposing to reduce the number of units, which “comes from the proposed demolition of the north connecting cell block in the courtyard.” (quoted from the Design and Access Statement).

As well as reducing the number of units, the space created by the demolition adds to the courtyard. However, the clear downside to the new proposal is the loss of a significant part of a B Listed building.

Further details can be found at 23/02881/FUL, and all comments, views and objections should be sent by 12/01/2024 to planning&

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