On 08/12, Calton Community Council submitted a response to application GC1490, the variation of premises licence for the Chrystal Bell at 31 Gallowgate. You can read our response below, which was informed by community reactions and conversations with local residents.
Dear Licensing Board,
We write to you to object to the application for variation of premises license submitted by Admiral Taverns Picadilly Limited (Chrystal Bell) situated at 31 Gallowgate, Glasgow G1 5AA, license no GC1490.
We, the Community Councillors (Calton), object to the proposed variations. Taking each section of the application in turn:
a) Add seasonal variations. We object to this as a clear definition of what is meant by this has not been provided by the applicant.
b) Allow bar meals out with core licenced hours. We object to this as we see no benefit for local residents within the community in allowing the Chrystal Bell pub to sell food outside licensed hours.
c) Allow premises to open at 8am for the provision of tea, coffee, breakfast etc. We object to this as despite not being a license extension, it will encourage the early morning consumption of alcohol, especially on match days. We are concerned that allowing the Chrystal Bell to open at 8am will exacerbate the current issues of alcohol-related antisocial behaviour in the area by encouraging increased consumption of alcohol for longer periods. The instance of alcohol-related antisocial behaviour in the area is already magnified on match days and allowing this variation will only add to this issue. We see no benefit to local residents by allowing extended opening hours.
d) Add the following to other activities; the premises may be used for charity events, community events and meetings. We do not object to this specific variation, as long as the other current licensing conditions remain in place i.e. opening hours, noise abatement.
e) Remove the following condition: music and other potentially noisy activities should be inaudible within nearby noise-sensitive buildings and dwellings. We very strongly object to this as there are a number of highly populated residential buildings in the immediate vicinity of the Chrystal Bell. Removing this condition will have a detrimental effect on the residential amenity of these residents, as well as reducing the quality of life of the residents. Furthermore, we cannot see a justification for removing the noise constraints.
Yours faithfully,
Calton Community Council