Our response to Indigo Sun’s licensing application

On 01/05, Calton Community Council submitted a response to PEL00564, the renewal of Indigo Sun’s public entertainment license. Unfortunately, this response was submitted beyond the deadline, but we hope it will still be considered as the guidance states “If your objection or representation is received after the consultation period it will be treated as “late”. This means that it may still be taken into account but you will have to explain the reason why the objection or representation was not submitted in time.” You can read our response below, which was informed by community reactions and conversations with local residents.

Good afternoon,

On behalf of Calton Community Council, I would like to submit our formal objection to Indigo Sun’s licensing application, PEL00564. We apologise for sending this beyond the deadline but hope that you will still consider it.

We have received multiple comments from members of the community that live adjacent to the premises, keen to emphasise that the store plays loud music constantly when it is open, and causes a disturbance. They have attempted to discuss this directly with Indigo Sun, who has not been cooperative. These residents do not want to see this behaviour continue into the proposed extended hours, and some feel that Indigo Sun should be made to cease business entirely until they take the local residents into consideration. One noise complaint has also been lodged with the council, with reference number N508843335.

Based on this, Calton Community Council feels that the proposed application should be declined unless Indigo Sun reduces the music level in their store, and even if so, feel that all music should be reduced to an even lower volume after 9pm.

Thank you.

1 thought on “Our response to Indigo Sun’s licensing application”

  1. Pingback: Licensing Application – Renewal of Hot! – Calton Community Council

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