Planning Application (Retrospective) – Internal Alterations to 15 Templeton St.

Current pictures (after development) as included in application

A retrospective application has been received for internal alterations to Flat 1/2 15 Templeton Court. In the supporting statement document, it is explained that “the changes made to the listed building property are non-structural internal alterations to increase the value of the property”.

It also describes details of the alterations, including a free-standing steel spiral staircase (by removing the existing non-structural single flight stair), removal of a non-structural stud wall between the two bedrooms, repositioning of doors and addition of a new timber flooring 70mm above the existing flooring (keeping the original intact and protected).

Changes to the floorplan are shown in red

Further details can be found by searching for application 22/02674/LBA at the Glasgow Planning Portal website, or if needed, by emailing planning&

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